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Foreign school-leaving qualifications

Recognition and application process in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

A formal recognition process of foreign certificates/educational certificates that demonstrate school-leaving qualifications in the country of issue.

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If the pupil intends to continue their education in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, there is no need for a formal recognition process. The decision to integrate into a general education school is made by the school management, in consultation with the parents or guardians or the pupils themselves if they are aged 18 or over.

The only reason for not recognizing a school-leaving qualification is if it is not equivalent to a qualification in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Applications for recognition must be submitted in writing and informally to the Ministry of Education and Child Day Care of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

School qualifications obtained abroad may be equivalent to one of the following three types of qualifications

For a foreign school-leaving certificate to be recognised as equivalent to the Berufsreife, at least the following conditions must be met:

  1. Proof of successful completion of at least nine consecutive years at a general education school, and
  2. Tuition and grades in the following subjects:
    • Native language,
    • Mathematics,
    • Science subject,
    • Social studies subject.

Applications for recognition can be submitted in writing and informally to the Ministry of Education and Child Day Care of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

For a foreign school-leaving certificate to be recognised as equivalent to the Mittlere Reife, at least the following conditions must be met:

  1. Proof of successful completion of at least ten consecutive years at a general education school, and
  2. Tuition and grades in the following subjects:
    • Native language,
    • Foreign language,
    • Mathematics,
    • Science subject,
    • Social studies subject.

Applications for recognition can be submitted in writing and informally to the Ministry of Education and Child Day Care of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Educational certificates acquired abroad that qualify as higher education entrance qualifications are assessed in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in accordance with the Auslandsqualifikationsverordnung für den Hochschulzugang (Foreign Qualifications Recognition Regulation).

Typically, a formal recognition procedure by the Ministry of Education and Child Day Care of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is not required. In the university admissions process, universities independently assess foreign educational certificates and determine the overall grade.

If a formal recognition process is necessary in specific cases, the recognition of the higher education entrance qualification can be requested informally in writing to the Ministry of Education and Child Day Care of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Application process

The following documents must be submitted by post (not by email) for recognition:

  • Completed application form,
  • Proof of identity,
  • Current registration certificate (as proof of residence/habitual residence in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, not older than 6 months),
  • Tabular CV (focusing on educational history),
  • Officially certified copy of the translated certificate along with the original foreign certificate or educational document (translated by a sworn translator/interpreter in Germany),
  • If applicable, proof in accordance with the Bundesvertriebenengesetz (Federal Displaced Persons and Refugees Act),
  • If applicable, proof of a name change.

Official certifications can be obtained from public institutions or offices of a city or district, or from notaries.

Translations are only considered if the translator/interpreter had access to the original or an officially certified copy of the foreign-language document.

As translations made abroad will not be accepted, the documents must be translated into German by a publicly appointed and sworn translator in Germany, or the accuracy and completeness of the existing translation must be certified by such a translator. An overview of publicly appointed and sworn translators in Germany is available at www.justiz-dolmetscher.de.

If you reside in a federal state other than Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the certificate recognition office of the relevant federal state will be responsible for recognition.

Recognition is not issued as a certificate, but as a formal notification, which also incurs an administrative fee in accordance with the "Verordnung über Kosten im Geschäftsbereich des Ministeriums für Bildung und Kindertagesförderung (Kostenverordnung Bildungsministerium - KostVO BM M-V)“.

Please send your application to the following address:

Ministerium für Bildung und Kindertagesförderung


Abteilung 2 - Grundsatzangelegenheiten des Schulwesens, berufliche Schulen und Lehrkräftegewinnung
Referat 230
Werderstraße 124
19055 Schwerin


Claudia Jungbluth

Ministerium für Bildung und Kindertagesförderung
Referat 230 - Schulrecht, Lehrerbeamten- und Tarifrecht, Lehrereinstellung

Telefon: 0385 588 17237 E-Mail senden

Ministerium für Bildung und Kindertagesförderung


Abteilung 2 - Grundsatzangelegenheiten des Schulwesens, berufliche Schulen und Lehrkräftegewinnung
Referat 230
Werderstraße 124
19055 Schwerin


Claudia Jungbluth

Ministerium für Bildung und Kindertagesförderung
Referat 230 - Schulrecht, Lehrerbeamten- und Tarifrecht, Lehrereinstellung

Telefon: 0385 588 17237 E-Mail senden